The Board Game Shenanigans Podcast

Welcome to The Board Game Shenanigans Podcast. Bob and Natasha are a couple of board game enthusiasts who love talking all things board game related, offering perspective and exploring a variety of board game related topics.

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Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

The week Natasha and Bob review Sagrada and Sagrada Artisans. Sagrada is a popular dice drafting puzzle game and Sagradra Artisans is a new legacy game built off the original rules of Sagrada except that instead of putting the dice onto your board you color in the space with colored pencils.  For the discussion topic they talk about competitiveness.  Let us know what you think, send us an email at

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023

This week Bob and Natasha review 3 Ring Circus and Junk Drawer. 3 Ring Circus is Divir’s new gorgeous board game about putting on a circus. Junk Drawer is a new light bingo style polyomino game that would be great for the whole family. Then Bob and Natasha answer some questions.  Let us know what you think, send us an email at

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023

The week Natasha and Bob review World Wonders, a new tile laying drafting game about building all of the world's wonders.  Then Natasha gets even more off her chest as they talk through Natasha’s top 10 most toxic traits in the boardgaming community. Let us know what you think, send us an email at

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

The week Natasha and Bob review Wild Tiled West, a new polyomino drafting game set in a cutesy wild west theme. Then Natasha gets a lot off her chest as they talk through Natasha’s top 10 most toxic traits in the board gaming community.  

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023

This week Bob and Natasha review Fit to Print and Splendor Duel. Fit to Print is a new real time tile laying game about making a newspaper. Splendor Duel is a new version of Splendor but only for 2. Then they talk about Natasha’s experience at the Dice Tower Retreat. Let us know what you think, send us an email at

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

This week Bob and Natasha are reviewing After Us and Expeditions. After Us is a deck building game were you are arranging your cards next to each other create completed frames. These completed frames will provide you with resources and other fun benefits. They are also reviewing the new Stonemaier game Expeditions, the sequel to Scythe which both Natasha and Bob love. Will they love this one as well? And finally in the discussion topic they are discussing board game challenges, more specifically the 10 x 10 challenge. Let us know what you think, send us an email at

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

This week Bob and Natasha review Dubious and Cursed Court. Dubious is a party game where you try to get the other player’s to guess your occupation and secret but you don’t want everyone to get it right. Cursed Court is a bluffing betting game. 
Then Bob and Natash talk all about games of their childhoods.  Let us know what you think, send us an email at

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023

This week Bob and Natasha review Super Mega Lucky Box and Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Super Mega Lucky Box is a fun light roll and write. Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig is like Between Two Cities but set in the world of The Castle of Mad King Ludwig. Then Bob tells us his top 10 Cooperative games.  Let us know what you think, send us an email at

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023

This week Bob and Natasha are talking all about D&D. They are joined by a special guest, Natasha’s daughter Parker who is 15 and a big fan of D&D. She talks about playing and running her own D&D campaign and what strategies she uses to make sure everyone is having fun.  Let us know what you think, send us an email at

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023

This week Bob and Natasha talk about Phantom Ink and Las Vegas.  Phantom Ink is a team based party game where both teams are competing to guess the word first. Las Vegas is a light classic dice game that will lead to a lot of epic moments. Then they discuss player interaction in board games and how much they like in their plays. Let us know what you think, send us an email at

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