Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
This week Bob and Natasha are reviewing Starship Captains and Dinner in Paris. If you are a fan of Star Trek you might like this fairly light game about flying around space and completing missions. Dinner in Paris sounds delightful, but don’t let it fool you, it's a mean one. They wrap up the show talking about their top 5 really popular games that they just don’t like and can’t understand why they are so popular. Let us know what you think, email us at boardgameshenanigans@gmail.com
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
This week Natasha tries to get Bob on board with the 9th Castle of Burgundy expansion, The Team Game. Then they talk about both the Dune Imperium expansions, the Rise of Ix and Immortality and are they worth checking out? They also review a new small box hidden gem called Village Rails, they swear it's not a train game, don’t let the box cover turn you away! They end the show with some questions. Let us know what you think, email us at boardgameshenanigans@gmail.com
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
This week Bob and Natasha are reviewing Comic Hunters and Endeavor: Age of Sail. Comic Hunters is a fun drafting set collection game with a Marvel superhero comic theme. Endeavor: Age of Sail is a big worker placement game that is played in 60-90 minutes however it is ruined by its colonization theme. Then they play Name the Game, a new game of 20 questions to guess the game. Let us know what you think, email us at boardgameshenanigans@gmail.com
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
This week Bob and Natasha are joined by Natasha’s son Max to talk about Space Base and a new game called Bad Company. Space Base is a dice game with card drafting. Bad Company is getting a lot of buzz about being a Space Base killer. Is Bad Company going to replace Space Base? Is it really that good? They also talk about Board Game Geek, how they like to use the website and how Brass Burmingham is now the number 1 game on Board Game Geek. Let us know what you think, email us at boardgameshenanigans@gmail.com
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
This week Bob and Natasha talk expansions! Can you even enjoy a game without the expansion? Should you pick up an expansion when you pick up a game? If you love the game, are the expansions a must buy? But first they review a new game called Encyclopedia and an older one called Elysium. Is Encycylopedia’s game play as good as it looks? Because that artwork is gorgeous! Is Elysium still good even though it looks a little dated? The artwork on the cards is great, but the board is pretty bland. Let us know what you think, email us at boardgameshenanigans@gmail.com
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
This week Bob and Natasha review Vladimír Suchý’s newest game Woodcraft, a game where you play as forest people crafting wood and trying to have the best workshop. It has a much lighter and more playful look then the rest of his games, is the gameplay lighter as well?
Next Bob talks about a popular drafting game called It's a Wonderful World. A game that just doesn’t look like what you would expect. Then Bob lets out a little steam as they playfully discuss all the things that annoy them in the board game hobby. Let us know what you think, email us at boardgameshenanigans@gmail.com
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
This week Bob and Natasha review 2 great family weight games. First Empire is a fun dice rolling area control game where you get to move up tracks. Orichalcum describes itself as a short 4X game, it's got some familiar mechanics like drafting and tile laying, but the ease of teach and play make it a great game for anyone! Then they talk about their favorite board game accessories! Email us at boardgameshenanigans@gmail.com and let us know what your favorite board game accessory is and we can add it to our list!
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
This week Natasha and Bob talk all about the Dice Tower Boardgaming cruise. They never considered a cruise before, but this one has the famous Dice Tower board game library on it, was it worth it? Find out if the cruise was as fun as it sounds! But first Bob finally gets to play the infamous big box game Foundations of Rome and he lets us know if it's worth picking up -literally, is it worth lifting it off the shelf and bringing it to the table? Then they talk about Mille Fiori - a Natasha game if there ever was one, but does it win her over?
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
This week Natasha and Bob are back to their regular show. They review Wayfarers of the South Tigris (2022), a game that hit both of the top 10 games of 2022, do you think you will like it as much as they did? Then they discuss a popular oldie, Kingsburg. Does it hold up when you compare it to games that come out now? Finally they have a tongue and cheek discussion about what it takes to be considered a real boardgamer. Is listening to a podcast about boardgames enough to make you a real boardgamer?
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Welcome to 2023 and boy are there a lot of games to look forward to this year. In this episode Bob and Natasha talk about a new straight deduction that hit Natasha’s Top 10 games of 2022. Then they share their top 10 most anticipated games of 2023! It's easy to get excited about this year looking at this list!! Let us know what games you are most looking forward to playing this year by emailing boardgameshenanigans@gmail.com
Natasha’s most anticipated games of 2023
Trailblazers (2023)
Scholars of the South Tigris (2023)
Age of Rome (2023)
The Fox Experiment (2023)
Race to the Raft (2023)
Unlock! Kids: Stories From the Past (2023)
Pampero (2023)
Last Light (2023)
Seed (2023)
Maple Valley (2023)
Bob’s most anticipated games of 2023
Anunnaki: Dawn of the Gods
Scholars of the South Tigris (2023)
Darwin's Journey
Unconscious Mind
Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread
Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory